Saturday, August 22, 2009

My new home

Well its official. Tim and I will be living in Prague for at least the next year. I have been offered a full-time job and Tim has 3 promising interviews in the upcoming week. With this school, I will have the option to focus predominately on teaching Business English or if I prefer, to teach a variety of classes. I'm not sure which i'll opt for at this point.

However, now that we are confident of work, we are looking for a nice flat (that's an apartment in Euro-speak). Once we find that, all that will remain will be to pass this teaching course, decide which job offer to accept and start working and traveling. So this awe-inspiring, cosmopolitan city will now become our home for a year. (strangely enough, for a city that has the population of Dallas, it never feels very crowded or busy here)

Hopefully lots of you will be able to come over and visit us during the coming year. We will welcome guests anytime. When you take out the cost of accommodation, traveling to Europe isn't all that expensive :) Plus, you'll get to see sights like this as part of your everyday, walking around experience.


  1. Can't wait to come to Prague Luke! Congratulations- so happy for you!!

  2. I'm definitely sold on coming to visit. Perhaps a permanent one. We'll see what God does. :) Congrats on the job so soon. Not surprised they love you. I'm sure your tall good looking american looks don't hurt. :) What variety of classes could you teach if not Business English?

  3. Luke-'n-Tim's Bed and Breakfast...I LOVE IT! MAYBE I can arrange a stopover going to or from Ukraine next April. Would be great to see you and Prague both again. = Uncle Larry

  4. Visitors will definitely be welcome!
